Martin Buber

Martin Buber was a Jewish philosopher and theologian who had a profound impact on both Jewish and Christian thinking. He embodied the ideal of dialogue and understanding between people of different faiths and even conflicting interests. He felt that faith could play a positive role in creating a more humane world.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl whose diary told the story of her and her family hiding from the Nazis during Hitler’s reign. Her diary expressed a horror beyond words and at the same time brought a brilliantly simple articulation of hope to so many in despair.

Stephen Samuel Wise

Stephen Wise was a Jewish American rabbi passionate about Jewish affairs and survival, working class people, the poor, and victims of discrimination.

Henrietta Szold (1860-1945)

Henrietta Szold founded Hadassah, a Jewish Zionist organization, whose hospital in Jerusalem is the premier medical institution in Israel & the Middle East.

Edith Cavell

Edith Cavell was an English nurse who helped smuggle soldiers—regardless of nationality—to neutral Holland during World War I. She was eventually executed by the Germans for violating German military law.