Training Videos

Welcome to the “Things That Make for Peace” series of conflict transformation training videos.  These videos do NOT attempt to replicate or replace live training workshops.  Such experiential education trainings are invaluable, and each is unique because of the people in the training and the group dynamics that emerge.  However, these videos can provide a refresher to those who have attended such workshops, renewing memories and helping participants polish up their knowledge as they prepare to lead their own workshops on these topics.  The videos can also introduce people to these topics, perhaps creating a taste for the much fuller banquet that comes in participating in a regular training or workshop.

This video series comes in Sections.  Click the section listed below to get the list of the individual videos that you might want to explore:

Section 1:  Introduction to Conflict Transformation

Video Sessions 1 through 3

Section 2:  Win/Win Solutions

Video Sessions 4 through 9

Section 3:  Dealing with Diversity

Video Sessions 10 through 12

Section 4:  Transforming Initiatives

Video Sessions 13 through 17

Section 5:  Trauma Transformation

Video Sessions 18 through 22

Section 6:  Experiential Education

Video Session 23