Category: Middle East

Abdalla Al Omari–Leaders as Refugees

Syrian artist Abdalla Al Omari was angry about the pain of his people and the distance and hard-heartedness of world leaders to the plight of those who were vulnerable.  He turned his anger into a positive energy to transform perspectives through art.  He painted the faces of world leaders and people in privilege and power… Read more »

Ameen Mukdad

Amid the ruins of an ancient shrine in the city of Mosul in Iraqi, the violinist Ameen Mukdad played his composition “I am Free.”  That composition was written while Mosul was under the stern rule of the Islamic State which banned music and musical instruments.  Mukdad played in hiding, but eventually his music was discovered… Read more »

Syrian Artist Express the Pain of War and Visions of Healing

Eight professional Syrian artists living in exile exhibited some of their work at an exhibition at the residence of U.S. Ambassador.  For a report about the exhibition and to see more of the art:  click here.


“In the end it is a question of life or death. I think all human beings want to live. They want to enjoy life. It doesn’t matter what their religion or politics are; they want to live and allow others to live. When I speak of civil disobedience and nonviolence, I’m saying that I want… Read more »


“How can you defy fear? Fear is a human instinct, just like hunger. Whether you like it or not, you become hungry. Similarly with fear. But I have learned to train myself to live with this fear.” During the ceremony to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, Shirin Ebadi did a simple thing… Read more »