Category: Europe

WWI: Underground Works of Art

Dr. Jeff Gusky’s discovery of carvings in the stone of underground bunkers where men lived for long periods of time during WWI are a poignant expression of the horrors, hopes, and humanity of the war.

Wilfred Owen

Wildred Owen is considered by many to be the greatest poet coming out of WWI. As a soldier he wrote about the horrors and realities of trench warfare.

Siegfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon was a leading British WWI poet who used stark realism to describe the horror and misery of the war. He also greatly influenced the writings of Wilfred Owen.

Si Kaddour Ben Ghabrit

Imam Si Kaddour ben Ghabrit led a mosque-based resistance effort that provided shelter and travel assistance to as many as 1,700 French Jews during the Nazi occupation of France in World War II.

Albanian Muslims During the Holocaust

For many years the heavy curtain of Communism shrouded Albania from the view of the rest of the world. When that curtain was lifted in 1991 amazing stories emerged about the role of Albanian Muslims saving Jews during the Holocaust that swept across Nazi-occupied Europe.