Category: Europe


Gaston Grandjean is one of the most humble heroes imaginable. He work has been so inspiring that the main character in Dominique Lapierre’s novel City of Joy was based on him, but Grandjean did not want to be visible. But the success of City of Joy and the subsequent movie by that name have brought… Read more »


Christ’s Faithful Apostle: That was the name given to this Christian priest by the Hindu Indian independence leader, Mahatma Gandhi, playing off the initials of Charles Freer Andrews. Andrews was one of Gandhi’s closest associates and friends. Together they struggled for justice and freedom over many years and in many settings. Andrews grew up in… Read more »

TITUS BRANDSMA (1881-1942)

Titus Brandsma, born in 1881 and named Anno Sjoerd, was a Dutch Carmelite priest who also worked as a university professor and a journalist. When he joined the Carmelites in 1898 he took a new name according to Carmelite tradition, Titus, his father’s name and the name of the author of a New Testament epistle…. Read more »

ABD-AR-RAHMAN III (891-961) and AL-HAKAM II (915-976)

During the reigns of Abd-ar-Rahman III and his son Al-Hakam II two “Golden Ages” occurred: The Golden Age of Arab rule in Iberia and The Golden Age of Jewish culture in Spain. During the half-century reign of Abd ar-Rahman (also sometimes written as Abd al-Rahman), Islamic Spain rose to its grandest and most prosperous era…. Read more »


One of the authors who has advanced the cause of interfaith understanding through their works is Karen Armstrong.  She has written scholarly books in such a readable way that a broader public can access them. Armstrong’s journey took her from the convent to the university to global media, and from faith to unbelief to a… Read more »