Telemachus was a fourth CenturyChristian monk named after mythological Greek hero. Little is known of his life, but it appears he was a monk in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. He made is way to Rome in 391. He followed the crowds in the street as they made their way into a coliseum…. Read more »
Category: Christianity
Jan Krist
Jan Krist is a singer/songwriter who started in Detroit but now lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She has toured nationally, playing most of the major folk venues. Though she has a solo career, she’s also been a part of many musical collaborations. The Yellow Room Gang is a collective of 8 musicians originally from Michigan… Read more »
David LaMotte
David LaMotte is a singer-songwriter and a global peacemaker living in Black Mountain, North Carolina in the U.S. He’s made his living as a musician for many years, but in 2008 he became a Rotary Peace Fellowship which opened up the activist opportunities. As a Rotary Peace Fellow he studied in Australia and worked with… Read more »
Zoe Mulford, Joan Baez and Jeff Scher
Following the 2015 mass shooting at “Mother” Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, Zoe Mulford wrote an evocative song about the shooting and President Barak Obama spontaneously singing “Amazing Grace” during the memorial service. Joan Baez included it in what is reported to be her final album “Whistle Down the Wind” released in March… Read more »
Saboi Jum (d. 2017)
Saboi Jum was a Kachin Baptist leader from the north of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. He was an ordained minister, serving from 1990 to 2000 as the General Secretary of the Kachin Baptist Convention, one of the larger ethnic groups within the Burma Baptist Convention (later Myanmar Baptist Convnetion). Most of the Kachins in… Read more »