A month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine a powerful story and photo emerged of a 27-year old Ukrainian mother who shielded her 6-week old baby as the Russians shelled Kyiv. The mother named Olga, received 24 wounds from flying glass while her baby was kept safe. The mother is recovering in a hospital and… Read more »
Citizen diplomacy needed be only for the church leaders, academics, and retired diplomats. Sometimes a child with simplicity and clarity can cut through all the jargon and political talk to get to reality. Samantha Smith was one such child. In 1983 the Cold War was in one of its most intense stages with Ronald Reagan… Read more »
French street artist JR has been challenging the walls between people for a long time. He recently erected a massive image of a Latin American child looking over the U.S. border wall with Mexico. At a time when the U.S. policies toward immigration have include separating children from families and housing them in over-crowded detention… Read more »
Greta Thunberg is a teenage girl from Sweden. Since the age of 8 she has been concerned about climate change. In September 2018 she launched a 3-week long strike from school to protest government inaction on climate change in front of the Swedish Parliament. Her sign said, “School Strike for the Climate.” Greta spoke about… Read more »
John Hunter invites his fourth-grade students to solve some of the most complex problems vexing human societies, and they do! A teacher given wide latitude to develop his own educational program for gifted students, Hunter developed the World Peace Game to stimulate the thinking and problem-solving of 9 and 10-year old minds. For Hunter world… Read more »