Meet Lance Muteyo, a young Zimbabwean peacemaker who finds creative implementations of conflict resolution and various types of activism.
Category: Baptist
Muriel Lester (1885-1968)
Muriel Lester was an English Christian pacifist who fought to help impoverished communities. She became a member of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and launched the movement that became the Save the Children Fund.
The Rev. Sandra Kay Gordon
Interfaith Peacemakers, a series of inspiring profiles, tells the story of the Rev Sandra Kay Gordon, a pioneering African-American woman pastor in Detroit.
Glen Stassen
Daniel Buttry profiles Glen Stassen who died in 2014, son of presidential hopeful Harold Stassen and Baptist theologian famous for Just Peacemaking Theory.
Daniel Hunter
Daniel Hunter is a peace trainer & activist who often mingles humor with direct action. He also wrote a book about his campaign against casinos in Philadelphia.