A month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine a powerful story and photo emerged of a 27-year old Ukrainian mother who shielded her 6-week old baby as the Russians shelled Kyiv. The mother named Olga, received 24 wounds from flying glass while her baby was kept safe. The mother is recovering in a hospital and… Read more »
Katie Jo Suddaby is an American Baptist pastor and artist committed to peace and justice. The art form that she practices, Tibetan Buddhist Sand Art, is a perfect expression of that commitment. It takes hours, days or even weeks to create one sand mandala, placing a few small grains of colored sand at a time… Read more »
Saboi Jum was a Kachin Baptist leader from the north of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. He was an ordained minister, serving from 1990 to 2000 as the General Secretary of the Kachin Baptist Convention, one of the larger ethnic groups within the Burma Baptist Convention (later Myanmar Baptist Convnetion). Most of the Kachins in… Read more »
When war broke out between Russia and the Republic of Georgia in 2008 people steeped in the Orthodox Christian traditions were on both sides. In the Orthodox tradition icons have played a major role in their spirituality and their church architecture, even with an “iconostasis,” a wall of these paintings of Christ and various saints,… Read more »
“There are a lot more of us out there than anybody knows, and we need to find more ways to stay connected, to instruct and encourage each other, sometimes to argue with each other, because it’s not just the world that refuses to listen—sometimes our churches refuse to listen as well.” Ken is the longtime… Read more »