Category: Asia

Cyrus the Great (Approx. 590-529 B.C.E.)

Cyrus the Great was an ancient Persian king known for the civil treatment of his subjects during a time when most kings were known for their brutality. He was an early advocate for religious freedom, embracing the culture of conquered peoples and allowing them to rebuild their ruined temples.

Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi

Peace activist Daniel Buttry and Muslim leader Steve Elturk collaborate in profiling Gandhi, explaining why he was a model for cross-cultural peacemakers.


Kabir was an Indian mystic whose poetry spoke powerfully to the hearts of all people, and has been embraced by many cultures and religious traditions.

Maha Ghosananda (1929-2007)

Maha Ghosananda was a Cambodian Buddhist monk who led peace walks during the reign of the Khmer Rouge, a violent insurgency that led a genocidal program.

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273)

Rumi was a 13th Century Persian Muslim poet and mystic theologian. His poems are widely read in Central Asia and the Middle East and are popular in the US.