Artist Stephanie Mercedes from Washington, D.C. is an artist of transformation, turning bullets into bells, weapons into music (click here for her personal website). She sees bells as a spiritual sound medium that purify space. Also, in a time when there is so much gun violence, bells are instruments of mourning, ways to express our… Read more »
Category: Art Festival
Ukrainian Madonna and Rusudan Gotsiridze

A month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine a powerful story and photo emerged of a 27-year old Ukrainian mother who shielded her 6-week old baby as the Russians shelled Kyiv. The mother named Olga, received 24 wounds from flying glass while her baby was kept safe. The mother is recovering in a hospital and… Read more »
The Face of War
Ukrainian artist Dariya Marchenko made this portrait of Vladimir Putin out of over 5,000 bullet casings.
Saba Jallas
Saba Jallas is a young Yemeni artist who visually transforms photos of the war into images that lift up humanity, hope, and peace. Jallas sees women as images of compassion, so often her reworking of the photos of smoke from the war involve women, sometimes holding children. Jallas was outside of Yemen when the war… Read more »
Katie Jo Suddaby
Katie Jo Suddaby is an American Baptist pastor and artist committed to peace and justice. The art form that she practices, Tibetan Buddhist Sand Art, is a perfect expression of that commitment. It takes hours, days or even weeks to create one sand mandala, placing a few small grains of colored sand at a time… Read more »