Category: Africa

Adel Imam (b. 1940) & Omar Sharif (b. 1932)

Actors Adel Imam and Omar Sharif starred in the 2008 film “Hassan and Morcos,” which stirred controversy for honestly exposing religious tensions in Egypt.

Christian De Chergé (1937-1996)

Christian de Chergé was a Trappist monk and martyr who prayed alongside Muslim friends and neighbors in Algeria, and was originally inspired to spirituality by a Muslim friend who saved his life.

Mannex Motsi

Zimbabwean writer and peace activist Lancelot Muteyo profiles reggae musician and human-rights activist Mannex Motsi and his support of nonviolent change.

Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars

Peacemaker Daniel Buttry writes about Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars, a band born out of Kalia Refugee Camp at the Guinea-Sierra Leone border (with videos).