Section 5: Trauma Transformation

“Things That Make for Peace” Section 5 focuses on trauma, the various responses to trauma, and trauma healing or transformation.  This section centers on a story from 2 Samuel 21.  Click the Videos below to view the particular session:

Session 18:  Trauma: The Rizpah Story

The story from 2 Samuel 21.1-14 is narrated to set the stage for our analysis of responses to trauma and the opportunity for transformation.

Session 19:  Trauma: The Victim/Survivor

Through the experience of Merab or Michal we examine the “Victim/Survivor Cycle” in trauma.

Session 20:  Trauma: The Aggressor/Offender

Through the experience of the Gibeonites we examine the development of the “Aggressor/Offender Cycle” out of trauma experiences.

Session 21:  Trauma: Transformation

Through the experience of Rizpah we explore how trauma can be transformed, not only into a personal journey of healing but into healing and even reconciliation for the larger circle of relationships.

Session 22:  Daughters of Rizpah

Two stories out of recent history show the kind of transformative action seen in Rizpah in contexts of our contemporary world.