Colored Candies Elicitive Questions

A flexible tool to help a group go deeper with each other by sharing elicitive questions is the Colored Candies Questions.

Buy a bag (small is okay depending on the size of the group) of candies with many different colors, such as M&Ms, Skittles, or some similar product. Develop a series of elicitive questions for the group to answer on any topic pertinent to your training or your small group process. Assign one question to each color. Then as group participants pull out a candy from the bag, they have to answer the question related to that color.

For example, Sharon Buttry used these elicitive questions or directives with a group of teenagers working on leadership development:

Yellow: Share a quality you have notice about a great leader whom you admire.

Red: Share a story about a leadership challenge you have faced.

Green: What is the best fund-raiser you have ever been a part of as a student or a leader?

Blue: What encourages you when you get discouraged as a leader?

Orange: What or who would you turn to for advice when you don’t know what to do as a leader?

Brown: Share a dream, wish, or goal you have as a future leader.

Be sure the colors of your questions line up with the colors of the candies! You might also open up more dialog by having the next person respond to what the pervious person said with a question or a comment before they select their own colored candy.