Healing the World: Gustavo Parajón, Public Health and Peacemaking Pioneer by Daniel Buttry and Dámaris Albuquerque.
The biography of Gustavo Parajón, Nicaraguan peacemaker who played a major role in ending the Nicaraguan civil war (click here for his mini bio on our website, a teaser for the amazing story in this book!). Paperback is $21.99; Hardcover is $29.99. To pre-order for the January 24 book release from Amazon, click here. To pre-order from Barnes & Noble, click here. Ebook versions will be available for order on January 24 for $9.99.
We Are the Socks by Dan Buttry
Short stories of Dan’s peacemaking experiences around the world, from the profound & poignant to the hilarious. Socks is Peace Warrior meets Chicken Soup with a dash of wit. (Also available in Kindle e-book format.) See below for Dan’s story about the socks.
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For the Kindle Version, click here.
Daughters of Rizpah: Nonviolence and the Transformation of Trauma by Sharon Buttry and Dan Buttry
Sharon and Dan unpack the story of Rizpah from 2 Samuel 21, interweaving various ways people respond to trauma. The second half of the book is contemporary stories of traumatized women who became agents of transformation in violent situations, “daughters of Rizpah.”
Buy print or Kindle versions of “Daughters of Rizpah“
Peace Warrior: A Memoir from the Front by Dan Buttry
Dan’s peacemaking memoirs including the stories of the Naga and Burma peace processes as well as describing the conflict transformation training that goes on around the world.
Buy Peace Warrior
Blessed Are the Peacemakers by Dan Buttry
Over 60 mini-bios of peacemakers from around the world organized in areas of peacemaking work: Prophet/visionaries, martyrs, theoreticians, mediators, teacher/trainers, advocates, organizers, nonviolent activists, and artists. (For a special edition from International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches with an additional extended chapter about peacemaking American Baptist missionaries contact Dan Buttry directly. Also, Read the Spirit can make special editions of this book with additional content from various organizations–contact Dan Buttry directly if you are interested in this.)
Buy Blessed Are the Peacemakers
For the Kindle version: click here.

Safeguarding the Stranger by Jayme Reaves
Jayme explores the resources and teachings in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that take hospitality–and its call to provide protective hospitality–seriously enough to inform shared action and belief on behalf of the threatened other. This book is unique in that it seeks to contribute to academic debates within theology and religious dialogue as well as to discussions within the fields of peace studies and conflict resolution on the positive role that religions might play in contexts of conflict.
For the Kindle version: Click here.

Interfaith Heroes and Interfaith Heroes 2 by Dan Buttry
31 and 46 mini-bios in these books, bios of people from different faiths from around the world who crossed lines of religious difference to work together for inter-religious understanding, religious freedom, protecting others in times of danger, and working for justice and peace.
Buy Interfaith Heroes
Buy Interfaith Heroes 2
Christian Peacemaking: From Heritage to Hope by Dan Buttry
This classic published in 1992 deals with the biblical and historical background of nonviolent action and conflict resolution. It contains stories of the explosion of these two streams of peacemaking in the 1980s and 1990s. It is out of print but is still available through amazon used books or directly from Dan Buttry.
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FREE Download: Christian Peacemaking part 1
FREE Download: Christian Peacemaking part 2
FREE Download: Christian Peacemaking part 3
Peace Ministry: A Handbook for Local Churches by Dan Buttry
This is a “soup to nuts” practical book for local congregations about how to incorporate peacemaking into every dimension of their church life. Topics include worship, preaching, Christian education, stewardship, the arts, traveling for peace, advocacy, partner church relationships, local peacemaking, caring for the victims of conflict, and conflict in the local church (sometimes caused by peacemaking!). Published in 1995, some of the resources are dated, but the book includes over 50 testimonies from local churches about various ways peace ministry was incorporated into their church life.
FREE Download: Peace Ministry, part 1
FREE Download: Peace Ministry, part 2
FREE Download: Peace Ministry, part 3
FREE Download: Peace Ministry, cover
After hearing Dan’s “socks” story a friend had this T-shirt made and presented to him!
Listen to Dan tell the story about the socks.