Category: World War I

The “Peace Ship”

Lead by a group of European feminists, the Peace Ship was a traveling conference created in hopes of finding common ground for a peace agreement during WWI.

Vera Brittain

Vera Brittain was a pacifist writer who emerged during WWI. Her ‘Testament of Youth’ is a monument to the sacrifices of the Lost Generation and a masterful first-hand account of the futility of war.

Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze

Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze was a German pastor and advocate for peace during both World Wars. During WWII he was exiled from Germany by the Nazis for helping Jewish refugees.

WWI: Underground Works of Art

Dr. Jeff Gusky’s discovery of carvings in the stone of underground bunkers where men lived for long periods of time during WWI are a poignant expression of the horrors, hopes, and humanity of the war.

Wilfred Owen

Wildred Owen is considered by many to be the greatest poet coming out of WWI. As a soldier he wrote about the horrors and realities of trench warfare.