The Christmas Truce of 1914

On Christmas Eve 1914 during the horrors of WWI trench warfare, German, French and English armies established what became known as the Christmas truce.

The “Peace Ship”

Lead by a group of European feminists, the Peace Ship was a traveling conference created in hopes of finding common ground for a peace agreement during WWI.

Vera Brittain

Vera Brittain was a pacifist writer who emerged during WWI. Her ‘Testament of Youth’ is a monument to the sacrifices of the Lost Generation and a masterful first-hand account of the futility of war.

Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze

Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze was a German pastor and advocate for peace during both World Wars. During WWII he was exiled from Germany by the Nazis for helping Jewish refugees.

WWI: Underground Works of Art

Dr. Jeff Gusky’s discovery of carvings in the stone of underground bunkers where men lived for long periods of time during WWI are a poignant expression of the horrors, hopes, and humanity of the war.