Category: North America

Simeon Booker

Benjamin Pratt profiles JET’s and Ebony’s Simeon Booker, whose life story is in Shocking the Conscience: A Reporter’s Account of the Civil Rights Movement.

Michael Morton

David Crumm profiles Michael Morton, who was freed from wrongful conviction by the Innocence Project and now tells his inspiring story in a documentary

Jeannette Rankin

Author Daniel Buttry profiles Jeanette Rankin, the only person in Congress to vote against participation in both World War I and World War II.

Julia Ward Howe

Author Daniel Buttry profiles Julia Ward Howe, famous for The Battle Hymn of the Republic but also the famous pacifist Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870.

Glen Stassen

Daniel Buttry profiles Glen Stassen who died in 2014, son of presidential hopeful Harold Stassen and Baptist theologian famous for Just Peacemaking Theory.