Category: News, Articles, Reviews

Playing for Change

Peacemaker Daniel Buttry writes about Playing for Change, launched by Mark Johnson to unite musicians from many traditions and genres in collaborations.

The Singing Revolution

Peacemaker and author Daniel Buttry writes about Estonia’s campaign for freedom through music and recommends the documentary “The Singing Revolution.”

Musicians without Borders

Peacemaker and author Daniel Buttry writes about Musicians without Borders MwB, an innovative program to use music to bring peace in war-torn regions.

Glen Stassen

Daniel Buttry profiles Glen Stassen who died in 2014, son of presidential hopeful Harold Stassen and Baptist theologian famous for Just Peacemaking Theory.

Ukrainian Protesters

Peacemaker and author Daniel Buttry writes about young nonviolent protesters in Maidan in the heart of Kiev, Ukraine, facing fears of Russian military.