Category: Islam

Ameen Mukdad

Amid the ruins of an ancient shrine in the city of Mosul in Iraqi, the violinist Ameen Mukdad played his composition “I am Free.”  That composition was written while Mosul was under the stern rule of the Islamic State which banned music and musical instruments.  Mukdad played in hiding, but eventually his music was discovered… Read more »

Eboo Patel

As Eboo Patel states on the Interfaith Youth Core website, he core belief is “that religion is a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division.” Patel also believes that students are leaders, so he launched a movement that has reshaped the nature of interfaith activity in the United States. Instead of clerics and… Read more »


“How can you defy fear? Fear is a human instinct, just like hunger. Whether you like it or not, you become hungry. Similarly with fear. But I have learned to train myself to live with this fear.” During the ceremony to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, Shirin Ebadi did a simple thing… Read more »

ABD-AR-RAHMAN III (891-961) and AL-HAKAM II (915-976)

During the reigns of Abd-ar-Rahman III and his son Al-Hakam II two “Golden Ages” occurred: The Golden Age of Arab rule in Iberia and The Golden Age of Jewish culture in Spain. During the half-century reign of Abd ar-Rahman (also sometimes written as Abd al-Rahman), Islamic Spain rose to its grandest and most prosperous era…. Read more »

ZHENG HE (1371-1433)

600 years ago one of the greatest human explorers sailed the seas. He was the Chinese Admiral Zheng He who sailed with a massive fleet on seven trading voyages from 1405 to 1433. These voyages were unprecedented in size, organization, navigational technology and financial cost. One fleet was estimated to include some 300 ships to… Read more »