A month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine a powerful story and photo emerged of a 27-year old Ukrainian mother who shielded her 6-week old baby as the Russians shelled Kyiv. The mother named Olga, received 24 wounds from flying glass while her baby was kept safe. The mother is recovering in a hospital and… Read more »
Citizen diplomacy needed be only for the church leaders, academics, and retired diplomats. Sometimes a child with simplicity and clarity can cut through all the jargon and political talk to get to reality. Samantha Smith was one such child. In 1983 the Cold War was in one of its most intense stages with Ronald Reagan… Read more »
Telemachus was a fourth CenturyChristian monk named after mythological Greek hero. Little is known of his life, but it appears he was a monk in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. He made is way to Rome in 391. He followed the crowds in the street as they made their way into a coliseum…. Read more »
A hero from the Holocaust has emerged after his death because in his humility he didn’t tell his story. After he died at the age of 96, Ho Feng Shan’s daughter included in his obituary the one story he had told her about a time he confronted the Gestapo while he was a diplomat in… Read more »