When the axe entered the forest, the trees said to each other, don’t worry the handle in that axe is one of us.
This Turkish proverb invites the American people to be vigilant. We are watching the real time destruction “FROM WITHIN” of the United States of America and of the free world.

Photo Art by Michele Zenkowich
Acts 12:21-23 NKJV [21]So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. [22]And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” [23]Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.
And upon a set day such as the typical American Presidential Inauguration, we see here in Acts 12.21, When shows and games were exhibited in honor of Claudius Cesar; Herod, arrayed in royal apparel in a garment so wrought with silver, that the rays of the rising sun, striking upon, and reflected from it, dazzled the eyes of the beholders; sat upon his throne in a public theatre; and made an oration unto them not to the Tyrian and Sidonian deputies merely, but unto all the people assembled on this grand occasion. And the people gave a shout, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. Such profane flattery the heathen frequently paid to princes. But the commonness of a wicked custom rather increases than lessens the guilt of it. And the unhappy king, instead of expressing a just indignation at such base and impious adulation, hearkened to it with a secret pleasure. And immediately for frequently God does not delay to vindicate his injured honor; an angel of the Lord smote him because he did not reject these blasphemous applauses, but willingly received them.
We are not observing critically yet history is performing again in our times at the 2025 US Presidential Inaugurations. Its not about just about what Donald J Trump has said which is not much surprising given his rhetoric but what he didn’t say. What he didn’t say injured God’s honor in more profound ways. Donald Trump gave a major speech, the first speech of his second presidency, and ignored virtually every important issue facing the working families of the America. How crazy is that? How blasphemous is that? When we openly disregard the climate, our sick people, the poor, the needy, the homeless and the strangers, we certainly do injury to Divine Honor, and this the Lord will not suffer.
Everything that we see Donald Trump doing, all of this craziness, these rapid-fire executive orders, these over-the-top things that he’s doing with firing inspector generals, the mass deportations, the trying to roll back all of the employment protections. Donald Trump has also banned Black History in the US Air Force, banning the teaching about the Tuskegee Airmen, a famous group of African American pilots and other support teams who helped fight the Nazis in Europe in World War 2. This is all part of a bigger plan. This entire awe and shock stuff, is to confuse the American population and frustrate the free world. Is to bring about rapid change so that they can undermine the United States government and good will of the populations of the free world. And as if this is not enough, a Tennessee congressman has proposed amending the constitution to allow Donald J Trump to serve a third term as president. “What Lurks and stacks between the lines is that Donald J. Trump said that you the American People will never have to vote again.” Rep. Andy Ogles filed a joint resolution in Congress this week advancing a change to the 22nd Amendment to the constitution which currently restricts presidents to two terms.
And for us the citizens of the free world outside the USA we woke up the news of Donald J. Trump and Marco Rubio Secretary of State suspending all US Foreign Aid programs to make sure they are aligned to American Interests and Values. This has instantly affected the lives of millions of Africans dependent on USAID healthcare projects such as HIV AIDS antiretrovirals and other crucial life saving chronic medications. This directive also gives foreign governments the mandate to screen and manage every single foreign funding coming in the country, so we now understand what Trump means when he says “Foreign Aid programs Aligned to American Interests and Values,” We know that these interests and values are not inclusive.
If you look through history, this is how all dictators rose to power. They do outrageous things, outlandish things. Everything happens so quickly, and then they tear down the system that is already in place, and they replace it with their own system. And we have all of these republicans that are going right along with it. There is no any talk about critical issues such as health and economy yet everything is race based and we all agree on that. Now they are introducing legislation to put Donald J. Trump on top of Mount Rushmore, which is absolute insanity. (The free world now ponders if there has been indeed something sinister about Mount Rushmore over the centuries, that we are not being told? Could it be that all along Mount Rushmore stood for something darkly sinister, should this ancient lyric not concern the people of America? Should we throw this history in the garbage can? Is this Rushmore Portrait not the power of the oppressor in the mind of the oppressed? Is this not the fall of a nation?) All these things are done by design so that they can tear down what is already here and replace it with their own new fascist form of government. This is what they are trying to do, this is what they are looking for.
Esther 4:13 – 14 AMP [13]Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. [14] For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?
Do not think that you will be spared because you are Republican or because you voted Red. There is nothing great about the trend of things happening with the Trump Administration so far. The Christian calling is towards goodness and not greatness.
Oh Republicans flatter not thyself with a vain hope, that because thou art in power, that thou shalt be spared, or find any greater privilege than the rest of us in the dungeons. You are human and not super human, and if the rest be cut off thou wilt not escape. For if thou holdest thy peace at this time, If through fear, thou decline the call to Justice; then shall deliverance arise to the free world from another place from another hand, and by other means, which God can, and I am fully persuaded will, raise up.
This is the language of strong faith and hope, you republicans throw away thy cowardice and self-seeking, and thy want of love to God, and to his and thy own people; and who knoweth whether thou art not come to the Power for such a time as this? It is probable God hath raised thee to this honor for this very season. We should every one of us consider for what end God has put us in the place where we are. And when an opportunity offers of delivering Justice to our generation, we must take care not to let it slip.
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