Many powerful protest songs exist and some of my favorites are the Chicks’ “Travellin’ Soldier,” the Beatles’ “Revolution,” Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” and John Lennon’s iconic, “Imagine” to name just a few. It’s almost impossible to single out one, but for me the definitive protest song, without a doubt, is Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the… Read more »
In The Guise of Peace and Security and Religion
Anti Christ, he will come in under the guise of Peace, Security and Religion, and he will deceive everyone.
“Shock and Awe – Prophetic Imagination
The Christian calling is towards goodness and not greatness.
Living in the “MayBe” – Confronting Injustice
We have observed that a life of faith is refreshing when lived in the may be, especially when contrasted with the dogmatic certainties that have deviled the Christian faith over the centuries. The sense of living in the “May be” confronts the sense of certainty and suety that characterizes fundamentalism. Like Anne Lamott mentions; “The opposite of Faith is not doubt, but certainty” When we accept uncertainty the Christian faith becomes an epic adventure.
Why your Church is lying to you
If the people in that church are not actively surfing on the wave of waging peace in community, then the mission statement of the church is not just a joke but a lie.