
Conflict transformation happens in so many creative ways through so many courageous people. To inspire you, open your creative thinking in the face of conflict, and to ignite your hope we share these stories.


We have blog posts by our various peace warriors and occasional guests covering a wide range of topics from their perspectives from around the world.  We don’t all agree with each other about every issue, but we do believe we need vigorous discussion to push us to excellence in how we engage in the struggles for justice, peace, creation care, and freedom.  Each blog is the opinion or experience of the one writing.  We encourage thoughtful comments and interaction.


We share are short biographies of people who have been peacemakers in some way in their contexts from around the world and from various religious traditions (or no religion).  Some of these folks are world famous, Nobel Peace Prize recipients.  Others have garnered little attention beyond their local circle of impact but can show us the practical and often sacrificial ways peace is made and justice is built.  These bios, some of which are featured in Dan Buttry’s books (click here to go to our Book section), are not dry stats but told to inspire, guide and energize us in our efforts for peace.  (Click here for a complete index to our Peacemaker Bios)


These are stories of particular conflicts from the personal to international which were transformed by peacemaking people taking what we call “transforming initiatives.”  Individuals, small groups, or large groups of people took creative nonviolent actions that transformed relationships, re-oriented conflict dynamics and opened up new possibilities.


Then we’ve added a music festival and an art festival which can inspire through the arts in so many wonderful forms us to act in ways that transform our own stories.  Some of the musicians and artists are known the world over and may be in our history books, while others are known more locally but have demonstrated their commitment to the work of justice and peace.  (Click here for a complete index to the Music Festival;  Click here for a complete index to the Art Festival.)